If you would like to attend trainings with the specialist, Dee Broughton, please sign up for our mailing list. Information and instructions for training will be emailed to you.
All interested participants are welcome to attend the “fundamental” training sessions.
Please email ideas, concerns, questions, and comments about the projects to input@kitoblog.com.
Projects are based at
ESP Materials Design Partnership Project
Republican Scientific-Practical Center for
Developing Innovative Methods for Teaching Foreign Languages
Uzbek State University of World Languages
4, Reshetov St,
Uchtepa District,
Tashkent 100138
The Administrative Contact is
Svetlana Khan
Email: svetlanak18.khan@yandex.com
Phone: +99890 189 8411
Write or call Svetlana if you need leave or permission letters to attend a training.
The English Language Specialist is
Dee Broughton
Email: hello@dee.email
Dee’s Gateway Site